Adoption services provide a permanency plan for children in the permanent custody of PCCSB. Children are matched with adoptive families that best meet their individual needs.
When children are unable to remain safely in their own homes they may be placed with relatives or close family friends. Contact Perry County Children Services if you believe you may have a kinship relationship with a child in the custody of the agency.

If you are a resident of Perry County apply by calling
(740) 342-3836 or
email to Ben Taylor, Kinship Navigator.
(740) 342-3836.
Ohio Works First (OWF) provides cash assistance to eligible families through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The child-only benefit supports children living with caregivers other than their parents. These children do not have OWF work requirements. Payments vary based on household size.
OhioKAN offers personalized support for kinship and adoptive families, helping them access resources and assistance. Launched in 2020, this statewide program strengthens families through engagement and advocacy.
Call 1-844-OhioKAN (1-844-644-6526) or visit
Ohio’s Kinship Supports & ProtectOHIO Program
This initiative strengthens kinship placements by connecting caregivers with federal, state, and local resources to meet children's physical, emotional, and financial needs.
- Kinship Caregiver Support Plan – Provides case management, financial assistance referrals, and training.
- Monthly Home Visits – Strengthens caregiver-coordinator relationships and improves support services.
Kinship Financial Assistance Programs
- Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KGAP) – Provides financial support for relatives who assume legal guardianship of children previously in their foster care.
- Kinship Support Program (KSP) – Offers financial aid to eligible kinship caregivers while they work toward foster parent certification.
- Kinship Permanency Incentive Program (KPI) – Provides direct payments to kinship families at placement and six-month intervals.
- Payment rates: Initial $525, additional payments $300.
Reports can be made in person at Perry County Children's Services during office hours from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. You may also call (740) 342-3836 during normal business hours. After hours and on weekends, contact the Perry County Sheriff’s Department at (740) 342-4123 or dial 911 for emergency situations involving children.
Information that is beneficial when making a report (if known):
- The names of all individuals in the home
- Ages and/or dates of birth of individuals involved
- Addresses and phone numbers of the family being reported
- Current issues/reasons for calling
- Current physical location of the individuals involved
- Hazards/dangers from persons or in the home, if known
- Any other known pertinent information
Physical abuse: Bruises, marks, cuts, or other types of injuries resulting from non-accidental means including excessive or out-of-control discipline.
Neglect: Failure to provide a child with the basic needs such as food, medical care, clothing, and protection that a child needs for adequate growth development.
Emotional abuse: Consistent and ongoing negative interaction between a caregiver and a child such as constant and undue criticism, verbal abuse, ignoring the mental needs of a child, and other forms of rejection.
Sexual abuse: Sexual activity or stimulation between an adult and a child (ranging from fondling to rape). This may also include child pornography and exposing children to situations of a sexual nature. Sexual abuse may also occur between juveniles depending on the ages and the sexual behavior.
Dependency: Involves a child being homeless, destitute, or without adequate parental/ caregiver care through no fault of the child's parents or caregiver.
The School Outreach Program is a short term intervention program designed to help children and families by breaking barriers that hinder a child’s overall potential and academic success. The goal of the program is to provide families and children with support and prevention services that can reduce the need for more formal agency intervention.
Signs that a Child Should Be Referred to School Outreach
- Students experiencing poor social and academic success due to their behavioral difficulties.
- Children with truancy issues.
- Children who display anger, aggression, and noncompliance.
- Children who display withdrawn behaviors, sadness, poor social skills, and poor family dynamics.
Services Provided by School Outreach Caseworkers
- Assessment
- Parent Education
- Truancy Prevention
- Community Referrals
- Crisis Intervention
- Contacts with Students & Parents
- Link to Community Resources
- Summer Support
- Home Visits

Board Meetings
All board meetings take place at Perry County Children Services.
2025 Meeting Schedule
526 Mill Street
New Lexington, Ohio 43764
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
For emergencies during non-business hours, please contact the Perry County Sheriff’s Office or 911.
Phone: (740) 342-3836
Fax: (740) 342-5531
Perry County Sheriff’s Office
My child’s parent will not allow me to see my child. Will you go out and check on them?
Children Services cannot “check” on a child without specific allegations of abuse and neglect. The State of Ohio provides guidelines that must be met before Children Services can initiate an investigation. This is a legal matter. It is best to contact an attorney to gain advice. Perry County Juvenile Court provides free legal counsel for Perry County residents on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 4 - 7 p.m. located at Perry County Juvenile Court. Law Enforcement agencies can conduct a well-child check. You could call your local law enforcement for assistance.
I don’t want to send my child back with my ex. Can I keep him/her?
Children Services cannot interfere with custody or court orders unless there are serious concerns of safety or harm to the child. If a child is born to an unmarried mother, then the mother automatically has full custody of the child unless the court orders otherwise. It is best to contact an attorney. Perry County Juvenile Court provides free legal counsel for Perry County residents on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 4 - 7 p.m. located at Perry County Juvenile Court.
What information do I need to have to report abuse and neglect?
It is best to have as much information as possible when reporting abuse and neglect. However, you are still encouraged to report any and all suspicions of abuse and neglect. To better help the Investigation Unit it would be helpful to have the following information when reporting;
- Names, addresses, telephone numbers of all involved parties
- Approximate age or DOB of the child and their level of functioning or behavior
- When and where the alleged abuse/neglect occurred.
- Type and extent of abuse and current condition of the child
- How the child is currently at risk of abuse/neglect
- Circumstances surrounding the alleged abuse/neglect.
Can you help me get custody of my child or grandchild?
This is a legal matter. It is best to contact an attorney to gain advice. Perry County Juvenile Court provides free legal counsel for Perry County residents that are income eligible on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 4 -7 p.m. located at Perry County Juvenile Court.
What age is it legal to be home alone?
There is no legal age to be home alone. As a parent you have the authority to decide on whether or not your child is mature enough to handle the responsibility of being home alone. The child should not be afraid, be trusted to follow guidelines, know how to handle an emergency and contact help if needed.